About Me

I write as catharsis to move thoughts, worries, and ideas out of my head on to paper. When cobbled together, I realized they formed stories about relationships between women of all ages. This sparked the Women of Beckerville series.

I honed my craft (and am still honing) with organizations like the Alexander Writer’s Center at www.alexandrawriters.org and The Bestseller Academy at www.Bestsellerexperiment.com. Both provided learning and support. I am grateful to them for their impact on my skills and the way I think about writing.

A Mother’s Gift, my first novel, was published in October 2021.

My second novel, A Mother’s Treasure, is published in June 2024.

A third book, A Mother’s Heart will follow in late 2024.

Seems the town of Beckerville has more than one story about its women.

I live in southern Alberta, near the Rocky Mountains. I have spent most of my life near those mountains, they are a fixture out the windows. The mountains ground and replenish my soul. Besides writing, I spend my time with family, friends, other author’s books, and road trips in my RV or car.

MYT blog and other creative efforts can be found at www.barbreimer.ca or at barbreimer.substack.com. You can subscribe to my Substack page to receive monthly emails about what is happening in Beckerville, my writing process, or news about me.