being not sure

Now there’s a title. And for me it is an anthem to creativity. I think being creative is about being ready to try something new to see what comes from the effort. And that requires being not sure. Now, as a little kid, being unsure is ok. Everything is new, is learning, is trying so…… Continue reading being not sure


I’ve noticed a real buzz about me. Like all my nerves are on alert for something. Like an anticipation, perhaps even a worry. It impacts my ability to settle down and into my work. It lays in the background and hums away, stiffening my shoulders and wrecking my concentration. I cut back on the amount…… Continue reading unsettled


It seems to me that I am more productive when I have many things to do and there is little time pressure.  And when I have a few things to do and the end of a project is near, I start to procrastinate.  I think it is like a vulture, hanging in an unseen tree…… Continue reading procrastinating

And the name is:

After some deliberation and struggle, which included writing names in alphabetical order as I thought of them, I have renamed Betsy as Debra. I thought of Deb, and Debbie, and Deborah, but all of those were too casual for the more straightforward, and perhaps formal, kind of person who I have depicted Betsy to be…… Continue reading And the name is:


I always have to have the next trip in the works before I leave for the current one. Something to look forward to. Also, something to save for. And so it goes.

big projects

I have learned that good prep work is worth the time

Categorized as The How

government resources

We are fortunate that the government has programs that provide income support for Canadian citizens.  Not all countries do.