big projects

Big jobs are like eating elephants. One bite at a time.

I have found that if I take big jobs and break them down into littler jobs, then I can focus on getting the little job done and that seems easier.

Seems achievable, not so daunting.

I remember I decided to paint the inside of the closets in my house one year. Best I could tell they had only been painted when the house was built and then only with builder’s paint.

Add to the that the bumps and bruises of more than twenty years of use. A fresh coat of paint could make them look really nice. If only for me.

There are seven closets in my house. All needed to be emptied, holes filled and sanded. Tape over anything I didn’t want painted. That in itself is a lot of work.

But I have learned that good prep work is worth the time. The end job is tidier and looks better. So I began.

It has been a while since I did them so I can’t really remember if I did them one by one or one step for all and then moved to the next step. Funny that, all that effort so easily forgotten.

I suspect I did them one at a time. I can only stand so much clutter from the closets lying around the house. Painting is not my favourite thing to do, but the cost to have someone do it for me was prohibitive and besides, if I didn’t do a stellar job, no one would notice because it’s a closet. 

When I finished I stood and looked at what I had done. The seemingly impossible complete. The elephant had been eaten. And a certain amount of pride and self congratulations because I had tackled a big job and finished it.

Now I need to get back to my book and apply the same logic. 

One bite at a time.

Categorized as The How

By Barb

I was encouraged to create things when I was very young. Young girls were expected to do crafts. In retrospect, I think it was because we were expected to always be waiting for something. Not going out to find things for ourselves. That’s what I did different. I went out an explored for myself. And mostly by myself. Ironically enough, here I am with a website of what I create. To make a record. To consider it as a body of work. Not made while waiting, but made while exploring, considering, learning. I am happy to share it and my musings with you. I hope you get something out of it, but if you don’t that’s ok. I did.

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