changing the air in your head

It is interesting how a change of location can change my perspective and bubble up energy that I have held latent.  For me, when I see the same old same old, day in and day out I can become stale, stuck, still.

When I leave home and all that is familiar to purposefully put myself somewhere new, or familiar, I see things differently. I think about things differently.  I find new energy, new hope, new ideas, new goals.  

I am doing that now, in my little RV, sitting in bed writing this as the earth has turned to reveal the sun for another day.  (Why do we call it sunrise when it is the earth that is moving?) 

It is cool outside, only 3 above, but I am inside, have blankets tucked around me, the shade up and I am watching the world wake up.  This is refilling the creative spaces inside me.

The birds (robins and some little back bird I haven’t identified yet) have been up for an hour, visiting over coffee before they get on with their day.  Man they can be noisy, but they are pleasant compared to the harsh bickering of the magpies that visit over coffee at my home.  

It is semi light, a promise of day, but still not a brightly lit enough for reading.

And a then, there is a shift.  Like the dimmer switch on the sun has been turned up and a few more candle powers have been let loose on the world.  The top edge of that fire ball has been revealed.  Sunrise is here.

Every morning I journal what 3 things I will do that day.  Today on that list is to work on my book.  I am editing, again. Yeah, I know, again.  Or maybe it is still? In any event, I am editing, but feel a renewed energy to get at it, to move through the book today, page by page. To tackle a few of the other pieces I need to put together to publish it.  Like the acknowledgement blurb, the story line for the back of the book, the font for the cover, that kind of stuff.

I can’t think of a better place to tackle those jobs, with a fresh cup of tea in hand and the birds still visiting.  I can easily punch through that list today.  The energy is high, I am in the midst of nature.  It surrounds the little pad of gravel I am parked on, like it made space for me to be here today to do this. cha

By Barb

I was encouraged to create things when I was very young. Young girls were expected to do crafts. In retrospect, I think it was because we were expected to always be waiting for something. Not going out to find things for ourselves. That’s what I did different. I went out an explored for myself. And mostly by myself. Ironically enough, here I am with a website of what I create. To make a record. To consider it as a body of work. Not made while waiting, but made while exploring, considering, learning. I am happy to share it and my musings with you. I hope you get something out of it, but if you don’t that’s ok. I did.

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