Why I republished A Mother’s Gift

At long last I did it. I republished my first novel.  

There were two reasons; one big and one small.

First the small reason. A new friend who writes content for a living read the book, and offered her editorial changes. There weren’t many, thank goodness. After all, before publishing, I had read and re-read my book many times. Two others had read it. And I used ProWriting Aid to do a last pass.  But no matter how thorough we all were, there can be misses.  So I fixed them.

The big reason to republish was to replace the cover. While I love the cover of the first edition, it will be very expensive to replicate that kind of look on the two other books I have in mind for the series. My cousin, Camille, painted the cover picture that depicts the women in the story beautifully. I am especially fond of the back cover because of the sailboat and the dogs. So cute. However, artists’ work deserves to be paid for and I have to sell a lot of books to cover that cost. 

The original back cover

Not that I don’t think I will sell a lot of books, but it will take time.  On the day I can post a book and have many sales the first week, I will knock on Camille’s door for artwork again.

Actually there were three reasons I republished the first book. The third is because I plan to publish the second in the series in the next couple of months. Since the distance between the two would be a year and a half, I thought they should be closer to build interest and offer two books close to the same time.

I am committed to reading everything a few authors write and can hardly wait for their next book – I actually have their releases on my calendar so I can remember to go look for them at the library, or the bookstore. I aspire to be that kind of writer, to have a book coming out regularly enough that readers keep looking for me. 

So the Women of Beckerville series is my start on that dream. Besides these first three books about mothers, daughters, babies, tough choices, I can see books about mature women and their life stories, adventure or mystery stories, and of course, love stories. All featuring the Women of Beckerville. I am looking forward to reading them. Hope you will be too.

By Barb

I was encouraged to create things when I was very young. Young girls were expected to do crafts. In retrospect, I think it was because we were expected to always be waiting for something. Not going out to find things for ourselves. That’s what I did different. I went out an explored for myself. And mostly by myself. Ironically enough, here I am with a website of what I create. To make a record. To consider it as a body of work. Not made while waiting, but made while exploring, considering, learning. I am happy to share it and my musings with you. I hope you get something out of it, but if you don’t that’s ok. I did.

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